Sunday, August 27, 2017

Chapters 3&4

Today I would like to discuss the book we are reading in class, specifically chapters 3 and 4. The book is titled "The Art of Social Media" by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick.

Chapter 3 is titled "How to Perfect Your Posts." In this chapter they talk about how to make your post more interesting, bold, organized, and much more. One of my favorite quotes in this chapter is under the section titled "Be Bold" it says "My theory is that if you're not pissing people off on social media, you're not using it right." I really liked this because I understood what he was saying, if you are trying to please everyone then more than likely your posts will be pretty boring but if you state your opinion loud and clear no matter what others may think then you should have more interesting blog posts.

Chapter 4 is titled "How to Respond to Comments." I found this chapter to be very interesting, it talks about how to properly respond to comments so that way other viewers won't think you're crazy. The one thing that really stuck with me is when the author says "You can never go wrong by taking the high road, because winning the war for class and credibility is more important than winning the battle with one commenter." I find this to be a very important lesson, because even if one commenter is getting on your nerves you cannot lose your cool and attack them. Approach the subject calmly and if that still doesn't work then take the high road and stop communicating with them, just drop the subject.

I have truly enjoyed reading this and if you enjoyed listening to me talk about it and want to learn how to learn the art of social, then I suggest that you buy this book it is an extremely useful tool.

Until next time,

1 comment:

  1. Kaitlyn, I also enjoyed reading more about what to do when responding to comments on social media. Social media is a great platform to communicate directly to your audiences. However, this also brings in the aspect of responding to positive or negative comments on your posts as well. I definitely agree with out about staying calm. Your reputation and credibility can be shown very quickly in responding to someone on social media. I also think that responding online can come across differently than it would sound or be received in person. This is just another aspect to think about when responding online. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
