For a little over a week now, my design class has been working on a book project. The project was to go out and find letters, numbers, or punctuations in either nature or architecture. I chose to do nature because I love being outside and I have also done a similar project to this in high school. For the photography portion of this project, I actually went back home to take the pictures. I did this because back home we have a lot of parks and wildlife trails. Here are some of my favorite pictures from the project.
After we were done taking photos we needed to find out what letter could go with the picture. For the flower on the left, I chose to match it with the period to represent the dots on the flower. For the rose, I chose the letter o to represent the water droplets. For the mums, I chose the letter c to represent the petals. Then we had to create a way for them to come together and work cohesively. Here are the photos with their letters.
I titled the book Quiet Zone because the feeling of the book is supposed to be peaceful, calming, and quiet. Though I only showed three there were twelve pictures in total for this book. I hope you guys liked my photos, please let me know in the comments.
Until next time,
That's a really interesting project! I especially like the one you did with the mums, because it was a really creative way to bridge the gap between the picture and the letter c. If I hadn't read your post, I don't think I would've been able to tell it was using the letter C as its base.