Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Measure What Matters Chapter 11

I would like to discuss the new book we are reading in class, specifically Chapter 8. The book is titled "Measure What Matters" by Katie Paine. Chapter 11 is titled "Threats To Your Reputation: How To Measure Crises."

While reading through this chapter one section stood out to me. The section is titled "Trust is the Key to Building and Defending Your Reputation." Trust to me is the most important part in relationship, whether it is with co-workers, consumers or viewers. In the book it says that there are three parts to trust competence, integrity and dependability. Out of these three I find that competence is most important, because if you do not have the ability to do something you said you can do then you do not deserve to be trusted in my opinion. I also found that competence and dependability are similar but at the same time completely different. They both have to do with doing what they say they will, but the big difference is in ability versus actually doing it. Competence is the belief that an organization has the ability to do what it says it will do. Dependability is the belief that an organization will do what it says it will do.

I found the information in this chapter to be useful and I hope you do as well. I encourage you guys to check out this book. Especially if you are interested in learning about the marketing side of social media.

Until next time,

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