Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Social Media Marketing Chapter 5

I would like to discuss the new book we are reading in class, specifically Chapter 5. The book is titled "Social Media Marketing Workbook" by Jason McDonald. Chapter 5 is titled "Twitter." Just to clarify I am using the 2017 version of this book.

Twitter is like most other social media platforms, especially Facebook. The difference though between Twitter and Facebook, is that Twitter is shorter, faster and noisier than Facebook.  Though there are a few things that set Twitter apart from the rest. For example, in Facebook you can write a lengthy post with almost no character limitation, but with Twitter you can only write tweet that is up to 140 characters long. What really makes Twitter unique is that it is more open than any other social media platform. Anyone can make a Twitter account in a matter of minutes and start tweeting, and there is no authentication check. Also, everyone can see your posts and anyone can message you, no friending required.

If you want to learn more about Twitter and how to properly use it, than go check out this book.

Until next time,

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